
Saturday 26 March 2011

Muchos things to do...

I got a lot of things to do, or plan to do over the next few weeks/month...

Got 2 more point commissions from DeviantART! Woo! Asked to draw 3 characters for this wonderful artist- [Got 80pts for it too!]
Im awaiting info on the second commission.
I just cant wait! =D

I want to start making some fun little Fakemon, after playing Pokemon Black for most of my time hehe. Im not sure how far I will take these, but it would be fun to come up with some cool pokemon ideas. =D

'A Nyght's Tale' of course. Redesigning the art style and working out the level design is on going, and going well. I also need to work on the monster sprites...

I also plan to make another book like 'The Count's Halloween' I made last october.I plan to do this with my 3 weeks off for easter. Im unsure what the little book will be about, but Ive got a few weeks to think about that. =D

Action packed time for me! I got uni work to go alongside this!! Phew, it'll be tough, but fun I hope! =D

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